tisdag 4 april 2023

Heard in Fredriksfors Mar 30 - Apr 2 - longest "Aprils Fools Day"

This has got to be the longest (and worst) "April Fool's Day" in years!

Four nights in Fredriksfors - March 30 - April 2 - gave two stations in the log book.

A few more stations could be sensed with a murmur. Harbor Light 1400, WEGA 1350 and 31 March also CJYQ 930 occasionally came with decent strengths, but not coherently,

To be able to see transatlantic carriers at all, I had to lower the "threshold" of the display to -110 dB, because hardly anyone got up to even -100 dB (my normal setting). So not audible at all.



970 1.4 2258 ZP9 Universo 970 Asunción gick jättebra i tre minuter med sport. (970,007) JE

1570 1.4 0300 OAU7Z R Carraviz Juliaca med IPDA-annonsering (La Voz de la Liberación) kom upp ganska bra som enda station av något intresse på hela natten. Har jag inte hört på länge. (1570,005) JE

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