lördag 2 december 2023

Heard in Fredriksfors Nov 19 - 22 - rather unsuccessful

A few rather unsuccessful days in Fredriksfors.

Nov 19 - 20 I used - it turned out - the 285 degrees antenna that came off at about half the length after forestry work. The most common east coast-NA and above all some Colombia but rather weak, noisy and largely uninteresting.

On 21st I had changed to 255 degrees, but the conditions went further north and the end result was the same as the days before, i.e. Nothing...

Slightly better Nov 22 Early some Brazilians some of which would have been exciting with a little better strength. Then also some La Plata but overall far too weak. And after 04 hardly any signals at all.



930 22.11 0000 LV7 R Tucu,mán San Miguel del Tucumán eländigt svag, men kom igenom JE

1190 22.11 0100 LRA15 R Nacional Tucumán San Miguel de Tucumán dominerade här, inte Perfil som varit vanligast på senare tid. JE

1400 22.11 0001 CX140 R Zorilla de San Martin Tacuarembó med id – Harbour Light ovanligt frånvarande och störde inte så mycket som vanligt.(1399, 987) JE

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