March 1st. was a "Brazilian night" in Fredriksfors and not just the most common ones that were heard. Unfortunately, many of them did not reach identifiable strength when it was time but were drowned out by splatter. Some more common ones from Argentina also went through, otherwise poorly. Again bad on high frequencies and after 04 the band also faded out in general.
2nd. it took until 02 before there were any "proper" signals at all (Argentina 1230, 1190, Brazil 940). A few more stations were audible until 04, but then it was practically dead on the band again.
3rd. I had switched to 285 degrees and it was a complete failure. It didn't sound completely wrong with some Puerto Rico at 23 and some regular Peruvians at 00. Then a little jump to around 02 when some Colombians started to go. But there were few that were good enough to get anything out of – and they were also nothing to waste energy on. And after 03 there was hardly anything that was audible.
4th. I had somehow strangely set the receiver completely wrong and recorded during the day instead. It didn't turn out well...
860 1.3 0200 ZYK736 R Cidade Maracanau CE(860,006) JE
920 2.3 0254 CX20 R Monte Carlo Montevideo gick bra JE
950 1.3 0500 LR3 CNN R Argentina Buenos Aires för första gången på länge JE
960 1.3 0401 ZYH802 R Deus é Amor Aparecida de Goiânia GO riktigt stark bitvis med IPDA-programmet (959,996) JE
1040 1.3 0001 ZYK537 R Capital São Paulo SP inte så stark men förvånansvärt tydlig JE
1070 1.3 0000 ZYI673 R Difusora Cajazeiras Cajazeiras BA annonserade i program med storbandsjazz både innan och efter JE
1150 1.3 0000 ZYK656 Super R São Paulo SP stark med musik av mexiko-stuk JE
1240 1.3 0002 ZYK653 Rede Aleluia Santos BA aldrig särskilt stark men har gått och blivit vanlig (1230,010) JE
1330 1.2 0101 ZYK736 R Ihuatemi Osasco SP tufft splatter men kvinnlia hallåans röst kunde skära igenom JE
1340 2.3 0300 CW53 La Voz de Melo Melo kom fram igen – tycks ha en bra period nu ”La Voz” JE
1390 2.3 0402 ZYK209 R Esperança 1390 AM Porto Alegre RS kom fram igen IPDA_predikan JE
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