lördag 16 november 2019

Heard in Fredriksfors Nov 14 - not my best...

This night was not what I had hoped, nor even expected...
When I arrived and got my recceiver working I noticed that the signals were unusually low. But it took some time until I realized that this wasn´t what it should be. Something was wrong with the antenna conection. Some more time until I got a new wire from another listening spot in the shack and could start listening to ”full” power. And then it took only half an hour or so until the signals faded down.
The rest of the night was uninteresting with few signals, a little better at dawn but then there also came a strong buzz all over the band.
That was not enough; I had several stops in my recordinbg during the night. Many just a few seconds after start. I didn´t realize what was happening until I stopped my computer in the morning – there was an Windows update that took so much power from the laptop so it was unstable in recording...



1008 14.11 0700 Radio Experience Wageningen med jazz/funk och id. JE
1008 14.11 0701 Impact AM Wassenaar med id. JE


760 13.11 2230 WJR Detroit MI ”We´ve got you covered all day on NewsTalk 7-60 WJR”. JE
790 13.11 2230 WPRV Providence RI ofta men aldrig bra. JE
820 13.11 2230 WNYC New York NY ”New York s Public Radio”. JE
820 14.11 0500 CHAM Hamilton ON med sitt komediformat. JE
870 13.11 2228 WHCU Ithaka NY ”NewsTalk 8-70 WHCU”. Drog nog ner dageffekten 22.30. JE
920 13.11 2232 WMJJ Providence RI ”NewsRadio 9-20”. JE
920 13.11 2300 CFRY Portage la Prarie MB country och id och nyheter. Ovanligt tidigt. JE
920 14.11 0530 WOKY Milwaukee WI ”The Big 9-20”. JE
930 14.11 0500 WBEN Buffalo NY med egenreklam för appen ”on demand any time” och ABC nyheter. ”NewsRadio 9-30 WBEN”. JE
930 14.11 0500 WKBM Sandwich IL ”Relevant Radio”. Kix Country var nästan borta, men WBEN störde. (929,987). JE
1120 13.11 2220 WKAJ Joinsville NY country. ”The Outlaw” Radio Once ovanligt blek, troligen var det WBNW som kom fram också. JE
1160 13.11 2230 WSKW Skohegan ME ”AM 11-60 WSKW Central Maine´s...” Ovanligt bra. JE
1180 13.11 2220 WHAM Rochester NY bättre än Rebelde. JE
1190 14.11 0500 WOWO Ft. Wayne IN id-ade och Fox News. JE
1250 14.11 0500 WPGP Pittsburgh PA fortsätter vara vanlig den här säsongen. ”The Answer”. JE
1280 13.11 2226 CFMB Montreal QC ”Italissimo”. JE
1280 14.11 0000 WNAM Neenah-Nashua WI id och nyheter. JE
1280 14.11 0459 WHTK Rochester NY Fox Sports. JE
1290 13.11 2227 WNBF Binghamton NY ”NewsRadio 12-90 WNBF”. JW
1300 13.11 2230 WXRL Lancaster NY ”Buffalo´s(?) home for classic country music”. (1299,992). JE
1320 14.11 0600 WILS Lansing MI med id och nyheter. JE
1380 13.11 2222 WABH Bath NY ”13-80 AM and 100.3 FM this is WABH”. En till countrystation (utöver CKPC) fadade också upp, men gick inte få id på. JE
1380 14.11 0200 WWMI St Petersburgh FL ”Relevant Radio”. JE
1400 13.11 2230 WOND Pleasantville NJ. Både CBG och Harbour Light var ganska svaga den här tiden. JE
1470 14.11 0500 WMBD Peoria IL id-ade för 14-70 och 100.3. Fox News. JE
1480 14.11 0530 WMLV Madison WI ”La Movida”. JE
1480 14.11 0533 WGVU Kentwood MI med härliga gamla hitlåtar och många id. JE


1590 14.11 0100 WXRF Guayana PR ”La Poderosa” (WAPA) JE
1650 14.11 0700 XEARZ ZER-Radio Mexico hyfsat id men väldig fading. JE


1470 14.11 0255 OCH2G Radio Amistad Santiago de Chulco (1469,978). JE

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