måndag 3 augusti 2009

ARC Newsflash: Chavez closing down Venezuelan radio stations

Venezuela's dictator has - in the words of typical left-wing jargon -"brought back to the people" 34 radio and TV stations. This is only the beginning and further infringements can be expected.
The following stations were closed down this weekend:

* 1130 AM, Erasmo Núñez (renuncia del título por omisión de la solicitud detransformación según el artículo 210). RADIO AMAZONAS
* 107,5 FM Orbita, Abel Cermeño.
* 970 AM, José Bringa, Barcelona. MUNDIAL 970
* Upata: Canal 7 TV, José David Natera.* Ciudad Bolívar: 96,9 FM, Ramón Rafael Castro Mata.
* Valencia: 100,1 FM, Nelson Belfort Dividin.* Puerto Cabello: 98,3 FM, Pedro Ezequiel Listuit.
* CNB 102,3 FM, Rosa Rodríguez de Huescáfore.
Delta Amacuro
* Tucupita: 1270 AM, Socrates Hernandez. RADIO TUCIPITA
* Punto Fijo: CNB 100,1, Nelson Belfort Dividin.* Punto Fijo: 96,1 FM, Ramón Jesús Mendez (93,7)
* 99,1 FM, Bernando José Donaire.
* 106,3 FM, Rubén Antonio Chirinos.
* 1520 AM, Guillermo Obel Mejías. RADIO BONITA "LA GUAPA"* Emisora FM, Guillermo Obel Mejías.* 1550 AM, Monseñor Bernando Heredia (extinción por fallecimiento). RADIOMETROPOLITANA* 97,1 FM, Monseñor Bernando Heredia.* 92,1 FM, Gabriel Robinson, Charallave.* 1230 AM, Radio Barlovento, Caucagua. RADIO BARLOVENTO* 96,9 FM, Carlos Herci, El Hatillo.
Nueva Esparta (Porlamar)
* 99,1 FM, Arturo Gil Escala.* 92,9 FM, Ramón Borra Gómez.* 1140 AM, Sucesión Pedro Sosa Guzmán. RADIO PORLAMAR
* 1170 AM, Ramón Ramírez Meléndez, Acarigua. RADIO ACARIGUA
* 103,3 FM, Luìs Salazar Núñez.* 600 AM, Luís Salazar Núñez. RADIO SUCRE
* 730 AM, Modesto Marchena. RADIO FRONTERA* 94,5 FM, Arturo Álvarez Leal.
* Canal 26 UHF, Catia La Mar.* 106,9 FM, Alcides Delgado.
* 105,1 FM, Guido Briceño.* 102,1 FM, Luis Guillermo Gouvea.* 1430 AM, Ciro Ávila Moreno, Ciudad Ojeda. RADIO REGIONAL? LISTAD PÅ 1330!!* 1300 AM, Moisés Portillo, Santa Cruz de Mar. RADIO AMISTAD?
(Source: Globovision; I have added the names of the AM stations which are known to us.).

The names applies to the owner and/or the license holder, the person who has kindly signed the document saying that his station will be closed down. Some stations, like the anti-government CNB, owned by the president of the Cámara Nacional de Radio yTelevisión, continues to broadcast over the internet.

The sensible DX-er should of course refrain from sending a follow up to these stations which would be adding insult to injury. A better option would be writing to the owner of the station expressing your regret for the decision by the government. WIth a bit of luck you may get a response on the station's letterhead....

"Chávez law a threat against the opposition" Swedish news agency TT knowingly writes in my local morning paper today. Obviously this was old news as in today's Sydsvenskan this is headlined in quite a different way. (Henrik Klemetz, ARC)

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