tisdag 27 januari 2009
Loggings from Fredriksfors by JE January 22/23rd
550 24.1 0700 WSAU, Wausau, WI. Coast to Coast. JE
570 22.1 2319 CKGL, Kitchener, ON. Tydligen samsändning med Toronto (CFTR) eftersom det var Toronto-reklamer. JE
570 24.1 0620 CKSW, Swift Currant, SK med sin ””SW”-annonsering. JE
570 24.1 0656 CKLG Kitchener, ON reklan och både ESPN och CKGL-annonsering. JE
600 24.1 0605 CJWW Saskatoon, SK med country. JE
670 24.1 0700 WSCR Chicago, IL ”WSCR The Score”. JE
680 23.1 0800 KBRW Barrow, AK gick kanon. Hälsade till alla sin lyssnare ”runt om i världen” som man visste fanns. Ville gärna att de skulle höra av sig. Ville de sedan skicka med en slant så skulle man säkert kunna använda den, eftersom stationen huvudsakligen lever på donationer... JE
870 23.1 0035 WWL New Orleans, LA med trafikrapport. JE
870 23.1 0100 WHCU Ithaka, NY med CBS nyheter, lokalt väder och temperaturer. JE
890 23.1 0103 WGAN Dedham, MA brakade in. ”ESPN 8-90”. JE
890 23.1 0714 CJDC Dawson Creek, B. Bokstavs-id mellan varje countrylåt verkar det som. JE
920 23.1 0700 KXLY Spokane, WA id och ABC-nres. JE
920 23.1 0102 oid med ABC news kom fram från CKNX. JE
920 24.1 0633 KXLY Spokane, WA med ”Newsradio 9-20”. JE
930 23,1 0630 CJCA Edmonton, AB. ”The Light”. JE
950 23.1 0100 WROC Rochester, NY ”Espn Radio 9-50”. JE
950 23.1 0700 KJR Seattle, WA ”KJR goes scoreboard with Fox”. JE
960 23.1 0702 CFAC Calgary, AB ”Calgary´s Sport Station”. JE
970 23.1 0700 KFBX Fairbanks, AK med kanonfin signal. Studebaker-reklam från lokal handlare. .JE
980 23.1 0712 CKNW New Westminster, BC CKNW-call och väder. JE
1020 23.1 0646 CKVH, High Praire, AB ”All Hit Country”. JE
1060 22.1 2305 WBIX Natick, MA med ”Business”. JE
1090 23.1 0000 WBAL Baltimore, MD med id och nyheter. JE
1090 24.1 0620 KPTK Seattle, WA ”Seattlle´s progressive talk”. JE
1100 22.1 2332 WTAM Cleveland, OH ”Cleveland´s News Station”. JE
1130 23.1 0630 CKWX Vancouver, BC ”News Station 11.30” med trafikinfo. JE
1150 22.1 2325 WHBY Kimberly, WI starkt. JE
1160 23.1 0925 KSL Salt Lake City, UT har jag nog aldrig hört bättre. ”KSL News Radio 11-60”. JE
1170 23.1 0900 KJNP North Pole, AK enastående fint. Häftig kristen musik och massor av varningar för busvädret som man inte borde ge sig ut i. JE
1190 23.1 0930 KEX Portland, OR ”News Radio KEX”. JE
1220 24.1 0800 CJRB, Bossevain, MB gick // 1250, ofta bättre. JE
1220 24.1 0800 WHCW Cleveland, OH. Stark och fin. JE
1260 23.1 0615 CFRN, Edmonton AB ”The Team”. JE
1280 23.1 0617 CJSL Estevan, SK väderrapport och ”Todays best country...”. JE
1280 24.1 0905 CJSL Estevan, SK långt och bra id. JE
1290 24.1 0900 KKAR Omaha, NE sade sig ha ”Americas best talkshow on AM 12-90 Omaha” JE
1290 24.1 0900 WJNO West Palm Beach, FL med lokalt väder. JE
1300 23.1 0442 WXRL Lancaster, NY annonserade och spelade country. JE
1300 23.1 0800 KKOL Seattle, WA ”This is Bloomberg, a satellite radio; KOL och sedan fullständigt stations-id. JE
1300 24.1 0708 KGLO Mason City, IA ”From the KGLO newsroom, the weather” - inte ett spår av WOOD!. JE
1310 23.1 0620 Tent KEIN Grand Falls, MT med ”Music of your life”, verkar svårt hitta id. JE
1370 23.1 0600 KWTC Grand Forks ND EWTN-religiöst. JE
1310 23.1 0600 Tent KZXR Prossner, WA med Radio America-annonsering bara. JE
1310 24.1 0842 WCCO Traverse City, MI ”ESPN 13-10” - helt perfekt och ren nu, sedan jag kämpat länge tidigare och just fått QSL... JE
1330 24.1 0900 WLOL Minneapolis, MN äntligen med ett ”anständigt” call. Stationen har en makalös förmåga att gå bra utom precis på heltimmen som väl är enda tid för ”riktigt” id. JE
1350 24.1 0857 KRNT Des Moines, IA med ”Americas best music”. JE
1360 24.1 0900 KSCJ Sioux City, IA ”A new radio source” påstod man. JE
1370 23.1 0740 KXTL Butte, MT med oldies och id. JE
1380 23.1 0500 KOTA Rapid City, SD med nå´t halvreligiöst dravel med den förskräckliga ”Dr Laura”. JE
1390 23.1 0500 WLCM, Carlotte, MI - blivit lite lättare nu med ny sändare och högre natteffekt mot oss. JE
1390 23.1 0500 WPLM Plymouth, MA med nyheter. JE
1390 23.1 0557 KJOX Yakima, WA med ESPN. JE
1410 23.1 0455 CFUN, Vancouver, BC med ”Talk 14-10” och Dr Laura även här. JE
1430 23.1 0912 KCLK Asotin, WA med ”Sporta Fan 14.30”, ESPN och lokala reklamer. JE
1450 23.1 0904 KONP Port Angeles, WA med nyheter och väder, lokala sponsorer och lite hjälp av GN. JE
1520 23.1 0837 KGOD Oregon City, OR ”La Grand D”. JE
1530 23.1 0905 KFBK San Fransisco, CA stark. En annan NA som störde var förmodligen OH trots allt. JE
1550 23.1 0915 KPRI Ferndale, WA // 1600. JE
1550 23.1 0840 KKAD, Vancouver, WA soul och ”Sunny 15-50 KKAD” JE
1560 23.1 0900 KVAN Burbank, WA med sin jazz. JE
1600 23.1 0831 KGST Fresno, CA. ESPN Deportes. Promo för Fútbol de primera och kommande landskamp i Californien den 28/1 mellan Mexico och Sverige som HK hjälpte mig till att tyda fram. JE
1600 23.1 0900 KVRI Blaine, WA med indiska. Anrop dock på engelska. JE
1660 24.1 0816 KQWB West Fargo, ND ”16-60 ESPN”. JE
940 23.1 0702 KXNE Honolulu, HI, Jag tyckte CJOX lät konstig, så jag kollade, Massor av hawaiimusik och fint anrop... JE
1500 23.1 0858 KUMU Ohau, HI med lokal reklam och fint anrop. ”The Team”. En jätteöverraskning, inte minst för tiden! JE
The best MW opening ever?
Last weekend, January 23-25, was probably one of best ever for dx-ing in Sweden. And January 18th let lots of (for me) new Canadians through
Well, it´s impossible to compare what would have happened in the ´50-ies and ´60-ies. If you´ve had todays receivers and antennas and those nights with almost no electronic disturbances and a mediumwave band almost empty of European broadcasters after midnight.
But this weekend was impressing compared to anything!
I was in the schack in Fredriksfors Thursday night and Friday morning. I heard a lot of new stations. But what would have happened if I´ve had the possibility to be out there also in the afternoons and the evenings. Some friends heard for instance some 20 Alaskan stations in the afternoon on Sunday, when also KUMU 1500 (HI) was heard for a couple of hours. And seldom (or possibly never) heard daytimers came in at about 21 UTC.
The only thing to be sure of is that there´s a lot of stations I have never heard. Of course thouse are the best ones.
And one more thing; If I´ve been there on Sunday afternoon I probabaly would have got stuck there because of lots of heavy (wet) snow,
But still, what´s left is quite astonishing as far as we also have some problems with local disturbances due to "villages" as Delsbo and Fredriksfors with housing and some small industries.
On Friday morning I heard two stations from Hawaii!. KUMU 1500 has been widely heard this winter, but AM 9-40 was a real surprise. Both coming in with quite a good signal and 9-40 with just the right music to get that feeling of something exotic.
But there were also a quite a few other stations I hadn´t expected to hear here in the central part of Sweden. With the use of the (not longer so new) SDR-technology and propagation of exceptional standards many stations earlier only "possible" to dx-expeditions in the far north of the Nordic countries has been possible to catch also some 1 000 kilometers to the south. At about the same hours stations came though from Alaska, Washington, California, Texas and New York.
We are talking of really "broad" propagation.
But it wasn´t only a weekend of great catches of new stations.
I also had a most interesting email from Greg Maiuro of AM 1400 WOND in Pleasantville, NJ. The station came in earlier this winter when CBC Gander took a short breath in just the right place.
Greg, who has worked in sports media for almost 30 years has his own talkshow on Friday nights on WOND. And he got his eyes on my report of reception.
Now he has asked me to be on his show this Friday night when he´s warming up for the Superbowl a couple of days later. He´ll phone me at about 11.45 PM UTC, that is 6.45 EST there in Pleasantville, and we´ll talk a little about my listening hobby and what I think of the Superbowl.
Jan Edh - JE

tisdag 13 januari 2009
Loggings from Fredriksfors after Xmas.
A few words about the antenna park at our listening shack. They are:
300 degrees beverage, approx. 1 200 metres
317 degrees beverage, approx. 1 000 metres
90 degrees beverage, approx. 800 metres
A few beverages are of a two-wire design which means they can be used in two different directions:
345 and 165 degrees beverage, approx. 700 metres
285 and 165 degrees beverage, approx. 800 metres
255 and 75 degrees beverage, approx. 900 metres
240 and 60 degrees beverage, approx. 800 metres
This gives us 11 different directions but that doesn't help much when conditions are poor. Also, we are often having severe local electrical interference, especially on the 317-beverage. Sofar the source of these disturbances has not been located.
There is also one delta loop designed for 60 metres SW plus one G5RV dipole antenna.
As I live quite far from the shack (some 350 km's) I am not able go there very often. Here are some loggings from just before the end of 2008.
660 28.12 01.43 WFAN New York NY very strong over the Holidays. 'Sports Radio 66'. Q3-4. RFK
660 30.12 06.10 CFFR Calgary AB '660 News'. Q2-3. RFK
680 29.12 03.03 CFTR Toronto ON '6-80 News'. Q3. RFK
710 28.12 07.04 KIRO Seattle WA ID as "Kiro FM". Q2-3. RFK
760 29.12 01.45 WJR Detroit MI 'Newsradio 7-60 WJR'. Q2. RFK
770 28.12 06.40 CHQR Calgary AB with old radio plays. Q3-4. RFK
840 28.12 06.07 WHAS Louisville KY '...24 hours a day, depend on 8-40 WHAS'. Q2-3. RFK
850 29.12 07.00 WEEI Boston MA 'Blueberry Comics'-spot. Q2-3. RFK
880 28.12 01.15 WCBS New York NY 'WCBS Newsradio'. Q3. RFK
930 28.12 01.05 CFBC Saint John NB w. 'Daydream believer' by the Monkes & other oldies. Q3. RFK
950 29.12 02.35 a station carrying 'Westwood One' but no ID. Q3. RFK
950 29.12 02.45 CFAM Altona MB w. religious progr. Q2. RFK
960 28.12 01.00 WEAV Plattsburgh NY with 'Fox Sports News'. Q2-3. RFK
960 29.12 02.34 CFAC Calgary AB 'The Fan 9-60'. Q2. RFK
970 29.12 00.23 WZAN Portland ME w. sports. Q2. RFK
1010 29.12 01.41 CFRB Toronto ON w. traffic report, competing with WINS. Q3. RFK
1020 29.12 00.26 KDKA Pittsburgh PA "Newsradio 10-20 KDKA". Q2-3. RFK
1040 29.12 02.33 CKST Vancouver BC 'Team 10-40'. Q3. RFK
1080 28.12 01.53 WTIC Hartford CT very common, Q3. RFK
1120 28.12 06.30 KMOX St Louis MI w. 'Green onions' by Booker T & MGs + ID. Q3. RFK
1140 29.12 02.29 CHRB High River AB w. religious half-hour programmes. Q3. RFK
1210 29.12 02.20 WPHT Philadelphia PA 'The Big Taöker'. Q2-3. RFK
1270 29.12 01.18 CJCB Sydney NS 'Country 12-70'. Q2. RFK
1300 29.12 01.11 WJMO Cleveland OH w. religiousprogr. 'Cleveland's Inspiration Station'. Q2-3. RFK
1320 29.12 02.15 a station carrying BBC news heard on the 345-degree beverage. RFK
1440 29.12 02.10 WHKZ Warren OH w. religious progr. Q2-3. RFK
1470 25.12 07.03 WLAM Lewiston ME is probably the station announcing ESPN radio 1470 here. RFK
1480 25.12 07.00 WSAR Fall River MA w. 'Jingle bells' & ID. Q3. RFK
1500 29.12 00.57 WLQV Detroit MI w. spot for 'Christian Job Line'. Q3. RFK
1580 29.12 00.47 CKDO Oshawa ON w. 'CKDO Better Coffee Break' promo and great oldies format. Q3. RFK
1680 29.12 00.40 WOKB Winter Garden FL w. EE ID, then into French. Q3. RFK