söndag 19 januari 2025

Heard in Fredriksfors Jan 13 - 15 - wide Peru-opening, but not here

January 13th. some NA especially at 06 but there is no real “pressure” in the NA signals on the 285 degrees antenna in Fredriksfors this season. Sure, it's a lot of noise, but it's mostly far too weak signals. Also otherwise a bad night and until 03 WAPA 680 was alone at 01, then a few more audible stations and above all then NA after 03.

14th.there was a mix of NA and Colombia primarily between 01 and 04, but nothing beyond the more common, and generallytoo weak. Early night and during the morning practically no identifiable signals.

15tg. nothing of the wide opening that was noted against Peru was noticed in Fredriksfors, despite the fact that the 285.degrees anenna usually gives good results at such times. However, some from Bolivia - in addition to those noted in the log, probably also e.g. 1590, 1450, Then it took until 06 before there were "proper" signals for a while, mostly some NA and Colombia on higher frequencies, but nothing worth noting, as the noise also increased sharply.



670 13.1 0600 KBOI Boise ID gick riktigt bra med tanke på östkustantennen JE

760 13.1 0600 WJR Detroit MI JE

930 13.1 0600 WBEN Buffalo NY JE

950 13.1 0557 WNTD Chicago IL ”Relevant Radio” men WJR dominerade JE

1040 13.1 0600 WHO Des Moine IA ensam men en hel del fading JE

1420 14.1 0400 KTOE Mankato MN id-ade före nyheterna JE

1550 13.1 0600 CBEF Windsor ON ovanligt stark JE

1560 13.1 0600 WFME New York NY med id, men överröstades mestadels av Adventista JE


680 13.1 0100 WAPA San Juan PR – enda station med en hyfsad signal före 03! JE


1480 15.1 0000 R Pan de Vida El Alto kom fram men Espinar var starkare. (1480,095) JE

1520 15.1 0000 La Voz de Atalaya El Alto gick bäst på en rörig frekvens (1520,006) JE

1540 15.1 0000 Bendita Trinidad El Alto med slutyanrop. Stängde 00.02,40 ungefär medan man ännu pratade... Jag tyckte inte det stämde med Bendita, inklusive split, men FD konstaterade faktum.(1539,993) JE

1560 15.1 0000 Luz del Mundo La Paz gick ganska ensam JE

onsdag 15 januari 2025

Heard in Fredriksfors Jan 9 - 12 - a surprise on 11th.

January 9th.. a group from Puerto Rico already at 22 together with a couple of Venezuelans. Eventually also some regular ones from Colombia. After 04 also occasional NA Already at 06 almost everything was gone.

10th. there was not a readable signal until 02. Not many, and nothing "interesting" then either, but at least some NA and Colombia with sound. Then I had to wait until 06 before Monumental 1510 and a couple of NAs would go, but that was all.

11th. looked like it would be another "black night" night, but around 04 there were suddenly some signals from the West Indies with emphasis on the Dominican Republic. The morning then offered only noise.

On 12th. an improvement was noticed, but not enough. Significantly more stations. Above all, it was Colombia but at 00 also some "high" Peruvians. However, most of it was too weak



1550 9.1 0500 WRHC Coral Gavlels FL blandade med Rebelde JE


1330 11.1 0401 HIDD296 R Visión Cristiania Santo Domingo svag (1329,967) JE

1380 11.1 0430 HISC R Nacional Santo Domingo gick, om än dåligt och splattrad – hade jag aldrig hittat om inte TN ”larmat” och Sim talat om när jag skulle leta. ”Nästan användbar” signal 10 min senare men då bara musik. JE

1430 11.1 0400 HIBQ79 R Emanuel Santo Domingo – gick lite bättre än ”grannarna” på 1380 och 1330. JE

1560 9.1 0500 HO.. R Adventista Llano Bonita men störd JE


1110 9.1 0457 HJDI R Bolivariana Medellin svagt men tydbart JE

1130 12.1 0400 HJVA Fuego AM Bogotá gick riktigt ok vid id men Ideal tog över med nationalsången JE

1140 12.1 0200 HJCA R Panamericana Girardot överröstade CBC JE

1570 12.1 0000 OCU7 R Vilcanota Sicuani men fick snabbt sällskap av två andra (Carraviz och CJLV?) JE

torsdag 9 januari 2025

Heard in Fredriksfors Jan 3 - 8 - a long walk in the desert

A long walk in the desert. Thanks for the delete button...

On Habuary 3rd. a handful of common Brazilians (940, 950, 1010, 1380, 1600) around 01 UTC, not great, but readable anyway. Otherwise no carriers – not even WEGA 1350 went so that it could be ID-ed Possibly Paraguay 920, Argentina 1230, 1350.

4th. even worse. Paraguay 920 – now with the backup transmitter – but otherwise nothing more than a little mumbling.

5th, possibly Paraguay 920, WEGA 1350 with unidentifiable murmur at 03 UTC, otherwise barely even a carrier all night..

6th. Better? Well... At 950 Eritrea went, at 1350 a British one and at 1500 a German... It wasn't until 05 that the first and only transatlantic signal of the night came at 1510 (Monumental). "Everything" on the antenna at 285 degrees.

7th. there was a first "turn" - at 1160 Caribbean Lighthouse was heard and at 1350 WEGA at 03 UTC! Hour later Ideal at 1130 and 05 Puerto Rico loomed on both 1480 and 1520. 06 the first NAs in over a week could be sensed – 1200 WXKS, 1430 WENE 1600 WUNR. But then the noise drowned out even the Europeans.

8th. we might still be on the right track. At 00, signals began to appear on several frequencies, above all on the upper half of the band, but there also a very strong noise. And at 03, R Maria arrived at 1450 with a completely ok signal. Between 05 and 06 there were a lot of strong signals from above all the most common LA:s, but also some NA elements - at the same time, however, the noise level was even unusually high.



1350 5.1 0400 Mid Downs Radio Haywards Heath ensam här – ingen WEGA eller Buenos Aires... JE

1500 5.1 2200 R Eule München/Museumsinsel med musik, sedan föredrag. Inget gott konditionstecken för transatlanter när den går så pass bra... JE


950 5.1 0300 Voice of Broad Masses Asmara – den andra stationen som hördes denna natt JE



1280 8.1 0500 CFMB Montreal QC – den första NA-stationen som ”verkligen hördes” på mer än en vecka. JE


1070 3.1 0100 ZYL278 R Deus é Amor Belo Horizonte MG gick, men inte länge JE

1450 8.1 0200 YVKJ R Maria Caracas får beteckna en vändpunkt som den första transatlant att ”gå bra” sedan årsskiftet! JE

1510 6.1 0500 HC0034 R Monumental Quito – nattens första transatlantiska signal även om den var svag JE

måndag 6 januari 2025

Heard in Fredriksfors Jan 1-2 - New Year but not "Happy"

New Year's Eve "always" offers some surprises in the log. So also this time - because who could have guessed that it would be so quiet on the band?. A few from Brazil, possibly Argentina at 1230, 1270 and 1350, Paraguay 920, maybe PR at 1350 and 1520...

January 2nd. was actually even worse. After 03, some of the most common from Brazil were "readable" for an hour or two and Paraguay on 920 (the backup transmitter this night) also started to be heard. But it wasn't more than that.



1240 1.1 0258 ZYK653 R Aleluia Santos SP med mässa (1240,011) JE

1450 31.12 2359 ZYK591 Rádio Boa Nova Guarulhos SP ensam hörbar här men dränktes tidvis helt av splatter från 1449 även när signalstyrkan senare blev mycket bättre. (1449,987) JE

1470 1.1 0000 ZYJ616 R Rural de Parelhas Parelhas RN stängde för natten så här tidigt på nyårsafton, slog av sändaren dryga minuten senare. Väldigt svag. (1470,010) JE

Heard in Fredriksfors Dec 26 . 31 - last for the year with Peru

December 26th.some weak Brasilians at 22 UTC, then not much until after 00. Quite a few Latin Americans but most far too weak to identify.

27th.got even worse. Decent strengths on an some Brazilians at 00. Then at 02 and a few hours ahead mostly NA as well as some Cuba, Puerto Rico and Colombia. Would probably have been better strengths (but also more noise) if I had connected the 285-degrees antenna.

28th. I switched to 285 degrees and the conditions followed. But it is hardly noticeable on the log. There was a small opening towards Peru around 00 UTC, but then it was mostly NA. Many with good strength. But there was nothing there that I did not expect, only what is almost always heard.

29th. during the early night it was mainly North Americans but with weak signals. A few minutes around 00 UTC there was then an opening against Peru at the highest part of the band and with in several stations with surprisingly good signal. Otherwise still mostly NA. After 01, the NA stations became fewer and in many cases even weaker. There was some added from Colombia and Cuba, but they didn't go well either, and hardly anything was then enough to really get through our high noise level.

30/th. I had changed to 255 degrees. Not good. Some of the more common NAs were heard early and continued fairly steadily. Only at 03 UTC some LA signals came, but it was not southern, as should be expected, but eg Dominican Republic (1430), Venezuela (1450), Colombia (1470), Ecuador (1610 – as a local station).

On 31st. I apparently missed most of a hot openening against Peru because I had the 255 degree plugged in. Now it was so good that it also spilled over a bit on my antenna, especially between 1470 and 1600 but where I had better signals two nights before. Otherwise, nothing of interest during the last night of the year - insofar as there were any signals at all.



1040 28.12 0200 WURN Miami FL stark men ”långfading” JE

1560 28.12 2345 WFME New York NY Elvis sjöng ”Silent Night” - Family Radio är f ö en av få jag hört med julmusik denna säsong, även om det förstås varit mer ”klassiska” julsånger JE


1430 20.12 0301 HIBQ79 R Emanuel Santo Domingo gick fint -första LA-station för natten! JE

1560 30.12 0400 R Adventista Llano Bonito / (Cd de Panama) kanonstark (1669,993) JE


1040 27.12 0000 ZYK537 R Capital inte stark men i alla fall hörbar JE

1070 26.12 0151 LR1 El Destape Mundo Wilde annonserade och spelade musik JE

1250 31.12 0005 R HGV Santa Cruz de Succhubamba överraskade med att komma igenom trots mitt antennval (1250,002) JE

1350 30.12 2359 OAU1H Radio Visión Ferreñafe en av de peruaner som gick bättre denna natt hos mig, eftersom jag valt fel antenn (255 grader), och missade det mesta av denna öppning (1349,985) JE

1420 26.12 0300 YV.. R Sintonia id-ade JE

1510 28.12 2358 OCX4J R Tarma går ofta men nu ovanligt bra. JE

1520 29.12 0000 OBU7X R Avance Espinar/Yauni, - också en ”andinsk” 32 Hz högre, möjligen Cristal eller LV del Atalaya? (1519,980) JE

1540 28.12 0001 OBU2 A R Tropicalisima Trujillo id-ade – hittades tack vare tips av FD/Sim. Ännu bättre 29/12. (1540,006) JE'

1570 29.12 0002 oid Peru som ”konkurrerade” med Carraviz. Efter en del inspel från RealDX pekar det mot Musuq Chaski i Ayacucho, men för osäkert. (1570, 010) JE

1580 28.12 2357 OBX1M R Naylamp Lambayeque gick överraskande bra med ett id. JE

1590 28.12 2356 OAM2S R Municipal San Marcos San Marcos stark (1589,984) JE

1600 29.12 0000 OBM7Antena 5 Wanqhaq lite blandad men bättre än WUNR JE

torsdag 2 januari 2025

Heard in Fredriksfors Dec 21 - 25 - not much for Christmas

December 21 was not a good night but there was some usual eastern NA going along with Puerto Rico at and before 01, then especially Colombia. But no good strengths.

22nd. was a rock bottom. Around 03 – 03 the most common NA stations with ok strength and then above all Cuba but not very well. The interesting thing was possibly that Cuba's national anthem appeared at 05 on a split unknown to me (1349.991), ads were drowned out by WEGA though.

23rd. a little better but very unstable signals and often far too weak. Some Colombia but also a couple of entries from Ecuador and Peru. After 04 also somewhat more common NA.

24th. I had changed to 255 degrees - there was a warning of a disturbance that did not come... Despite antenna mostly Colombia but also some Paraguay, very few Brazil/Argentina.

25/12 with some weak signals from Brazil at 22. Just before 00 it could have been a "Peru opening" if I hadn't had 255 degrees switched on. Now it was just a little "fragment". The rest of the night some weak signals mainly from Colombia – nothing at all southern as the antenna was intended...



1430 21.12 0058 WOIR Homestead FL. Mina misstankar bekräftades av FD JE

1580 21.12 0100 WSRF Fort Lauderdale FL med sounder och id – CKDO störde lite JE


1320 21.12 0100 WKSN San Juan PR ”Radio Isla” - inte så vanlig i mina lurar den här säsongen JE

1400 21.12 0300 YNRM R Maranatha Managua lyckades ta sig igenom ”208” några sekunder på heltimmen JE


860 23.12 0403 YVOL R Mundial San Crristobal tillbaka på MV visste FD. Med nationalsång här.JE

930 24.12 0057 CX20 R Monte Carlo Montevideo JE

940 21.12 0500 HJTL RCN Cúcuta gick över dominanten WIPR JE

1010 23.12 0003 HJOP AWR Colombia Barranquilla bäst här när det började gå lite colombianer JE

1020 24.12 0604 ZP14 R Ñanduti, San Lorenzo med svajig signal och ”mesig” musik där fading förstörde id. Här ett reklamblock som fick mig på rätt spår -Jag hade missat TN:s tips i senaste Ekot... (1019,978) JE

1030 23.12 0200 HC0096 R Ecuatena Guayaquil gick igen – lång annonserande ,med Red Aleluia JE

1110 21.12 0304 HJEW R Reloj Cali går ofta nu men aldrig särskilt bra eftersom det brukar vara fler som vill komma fram JE

1140 24.12 0457 ZP22 Central R Ypané fadade upp och ner men bra i toppar. JE

1220 24.12 0500 OAX6X R Melodia Arequipa trängde undan Maria (1220,017) JE

1240 24.12 2357 OAU4V R Cumbre Huancayo – hade egentligen fel antenn för Peru JE

1290 24.12 0302 HJTH LV de los Estrellas Medellin id.ade inklusive frekvens och callbokstäver JE

1360 23.12 0308 OBM2A R Capulí Julcán överraskande bra, trots långfading, Stängde 03.25. Inget annat från Peru. (1359,965) JE

1450 21.12 0301 HJNL La Cariñosa Manizales Manizales, fint lokal-id inklusive frekvens (1449,992) JE

1480 25.12 0000 OAZ7G R Espinar Espinar/Yauni gick också att urskilja på 255-gradaren JE

1550 24.12 2347 OAM7D, R Checca Checca överröstade R Visión några korta stunder JE

torsdag 26 december 2024

Heard in Fredriksfors Dec 18 - 20 - most from Brazil and Colombia

On December 18th. I switched to a more southerly antenna (255 degrees) when the forecasts said it was probably really bad for NA at the moment. The result was somewhat surprising – a lot of Brasilians, several with nice strengths was expected, but very few La Plata signals. Instead surprisingly a lot against Colombia but also the West Indies and above all Puerto Rico.

19th.same antenna and roughly the same picture – Brasilians, but bad against la Plata and instead Colombia and Puerto Rico but also against the Andes. In fact, some NA also loomed towards the sunrise. The antenna has therefore taken considerably wider than usual, while the splatter from Europeans has been very strong both nights

20th. I had gone back to 285 degrees - noticeably stronger disturbance fog there as it is directed towards Delsbo community only 2-3 km away. A lot of signals this night, but many were weak and above all that I could already tell from the split of the carrier that it was not "interesting". Few that I needed to spend time on, even less I could get something out of. Mainly Colombia, after 05 more and more NA but then later the noise also became too strong.4/12 it was the North Americans who dominated - many with very good strength. It was best at 03 – 04. At 06.30 the Colombians became more and more numerous and above all much stronger on the upper part of the band.



780 19-12 0000 ZBVI Tortola BWI en överraskning med tanke på konditionerna och antennen Mycket splatter.JE


620 18.12 2359 ZYH590 R Assunção Cearense Fortaleza CE avslutade ett sportprogram JE

880 19.12 0201 ZYL275 R Inconfidencia Belo Horizonte MG – våldsamt splattrad som det mesta. JE

930 10.12 0359 HJCS La Voz de Bogotá Bogotá med id och en juljingel JE

950 19.12 0000 ZYL212 Rede Aleluia Belo Horizonte MG id-ade. Också med ”Rádio Atalaia” och frekvens JE

1010 17.12 2300 ZYH625 O Povo CBN Fortaleza CE id-ade. JE

1010 18.12 0000 ZYH448 R Aleluia Salvador BA strålande bra – O Povo CBN anades bara sporadiskt denna tid. 00.04 med sitt ”gamla id ”Rádio Bahia” Kanonstark 19/12 01 – också då Bahia-id. JE

1060 19.12 0000 ZYL278 R Deus e Amor Belo Horizonte MG var på väg att fada bort. JE

1120 20.12 0500 HJKQ Caracol R Tunja – id och jingel men inget lokalt. JE

1230 18.12 0200 LT2 R Dos Rosario hade tagit över från WNIK och var nu rejält stark med id och temperaturen i Rosario innan 11-nyheterna. JE

1360 20.12 0058 OBM2A R Capulí Julcán fadade upp någon minut då och då till riktigt hygglig styrka (1359,965) JE

1370 19.12 0257 HJBO R Minuto de Dios Barranquill huserade ensam här. JE

1500 19.12 0202 R Tawantinsuyo Laja stängde och gick överraskande bra (1500,031) JE

1560 18.12 0102 HJHE Voces Rovirenses Málaga med Caracol-annonsering (1559,996) JE