1st. was
almost "worthless". At 04 UTC came the first signals strong
enough to identify (as when at Caribbean Lighthouse and Candelita
Siete) - it was the Venezuelans on 1130, 1320 and 1450. Around 05 a
few Venezuela/Colombia and 06 a handful of eastern NA. But all to
extremely modest strength.
2 it was like a "new" medium wave, but unfortunately it was
not enough. There were many stations and already at 23.
Unfortunately, however, there was a lack of signal strength as the
signals were also scattered and thus difficult to understand. Already
after 03, the signal strengths dropped noticeably and the only one
that kept up until the morning was Santa Maria de la Paz at 1560.
then another deep dive on the 3rd..
First "real" signal came from Radio Nacional Paraguay 920
at 03. Then nothing again until 06 (half an hour after sunrise) when
it sounded "almost normal" on frequencies between 1400 and
1600, i.e. the usual ones from Colombia, someone from Peru, even if
the signals were weak, and Monumental with good strength.
4th.was then
if possible even worse. Some from Puerto Rico and Venezuela and at 03
also some Colombia, but most of it was too weak and based on known
splits Not even that as it approached morning.
5 was a "long pass" in Fredriksfors because we were to
improve the "navigability" of a road before winter, and I
also wanted to listen to Asia. Good strengths on the Indians, but
almost nothing else. However, Banda Aceh 1251 went better than I've
ever heard it at opening 22. I then turned to Africa which was the
joy of the night with Angola and South Africa in the log! Conditions
to the west later were more uninteresting. Good signals towards
Puerto Rico and some others from the Caribbeann, Some common northern
South Americans and some east coast NA.
dismal conditions. Some from eastern Canada at 22, then some of
themost commonly heard from Puerto Rico and Venezuela and of course
the Caribbean Lighthouse. 06 instead a handful of the most common
East Coasters from the US
7th.. there
were significantly better signals on the stations from Puerto Rico
and Venezuela, and there was some from Colombia with a "readable"
signal as well. Even Peruvians of 1570, 1500 and 1470 could be
sensed. And the noise level was "comfortably" low. But it
didn't help that anything interesting would emerge..
oct 8 there were significantly better signals- especially between
00.30 and 01.30. But there was hardly anything heard after 04.30. But
the result was bad also this night.
828 4.11 22.34
Magic 828 Cape Town/Klipheuwel med pop
och techno ”Magic 8-2-8” Blandades med BBC Asia Kraftiga
åskstörningar. JE
1135 4.11 23.21 RNA
Canal A Mulenvos stängde väldigt anrupt mitt i prat. 22.25 – 23
amerikanska popballader som ”Everything I do, I do it for you”,
nyheter(?) 23. Svår fading och svåra åskstörningar. (1135,322)
1377 4.11 2300 R
Free Asia Mwabza svagare än både 828 och 1135! (1376,995)
1251 4.11 2200 RRI
Banda Aceh började efter paussignal med musik och id innan
nationalhymnrn. Gick mycket bra med tanke på att Asien ”svikit”
så när som tidiga från Indien. JE
1450 5.11 2208 CFAB
Windsor NS kom fram tillsammans med några andra östliga från
Canada, men Radio Maria (Caracas) tog över. JE
1490 1.11 2300 WBAE
Portland ME gav lite ”NA-hopp” med att gå så pass tidigt. Men
det blev inget den här natten heller JE
1060 1.11 2358 WCGB
Juana Diaz PR svag men ensam på frekvensen. JE
1120 5.11 0102 WMSW
San Juan PR ”Radio Once” är ju vanlig, men så här ”perfekt”
störningsfri är en ovanlighet. JE
1210 2.11 0002 WHOY
Salinas PR kort id vid musikväxling Kanonfint vid id 02 5/11. JE
1240 5.11 0200 HIBQ81
R Maria Dominicana Santa Domingo kom fram riktigt fint den här
natten JE
1570 4.11 0158 WPPC
Penuelas PR – gick några vanligare PR också, men en överraskning
så få stationer som kunde ta sig igenom. ”Felicidad” JE
1590 1.11 2258 WXRF
Guayama PR kom med ett id (WAPA). På timmen var det WARV. Gick länge
men aldrig stark. JE
890 8.11 0058 HJRM
Caracol Santa Marta men en till, troligen också Colombia men några
Hz högre, rörde till det. (889,993) JE
920 1.11 0453 YVQX
R Nueva Esparta Porlamar med ett par id och musik (920,003)
1100 1.11 0500 HJCN
BBN R Bogotá med id och musik. Caracol tog över efter någon minut.
1270 6.11 0200 HJAD
La Cariñosa Cartagena – första colombian att gå hyfsat på flera
dagar, säger kanske en del om konditionerna... (1270,028) JE
1450 7.11 0058 HJNL
La Cariñosa Manizales hann med ett id innan dominerande Maria tog
över igen (1449,993) JE